Hey Folks Celebrity On Set Blow-Ups aren’t Uncommon

I just saw Werner Herzog’s Fitzcarraldo on January 26 and have yet to watch Herzog’s documentary My Best Fiend: Klaus Kinski but have always known about this special little clip from it and felt now was probably the best time to bring it to the table as Klaus Kinski has his own on set tantrum. Both Fitzcarraldo and My Best Fiend: Klaus Kinski are available on NetFlix Instant Play in case you are interested. Roger Ebert, whom I believe is good friends with Herzog, has a great review of Fitzcarraldo here, it really is a one-in-a-million kind of film.

On top of that I bring you the infamous Lily Tomlin and David O. Russell vids from the set of I Heart Huckabees as well as a remix of Bale’s blow-up as found at Hollywood-Elsewhere.

Klaus Kinski on Set of Fitzcarraldo

Lily Tomlin and David O. Russell – Part One

Lily Tomlin and David O. Russell – Part Two

Christian Bale (RevoLucian Remix)
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