The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences just announced the 2009 Oscars will stay clear of the comedy, at least when it comes to its host as Hugh Jackman has been named the host of the 81st Academy Awards. Rumors started online late yesterday and the official confirmation just arrived with producer Laurence Mark and executive producer Bill Condon issuing a joint statement saying, “Hugh Jackman is a consummate entertainer and an internationally renowned movie star. He also has style, elegance and a sense of occasion. Hugh is the ideal choice to host a celebration of the year’s movies — and to have fun doing it.”
It remains unclear as to whether this will be a complete distancing from the comedic presenters from previous years as Jackman follows up the likes of Jon Stewart, Ellen DeGeneres, Chris Rock, Billy Crystal and Steve Martin as the most recent comedic talents to host the big show.
I can only assume talent will be brought in to offer up a few occasional laughs or embelish on the actual presenting of awards. I just hope it doesn’t turn into an MTV Awards scenario and end up a Romper Room presentation. I am sure we will be able to figure a little more out once the list of presenters begins to fill up.