Box-Office Oracle: Sep. 12 – Sep. 14, 2008

#1 movie predicted correctly: 0 Weeks in a Row
Tyler never screens his films so it’s hard to know what to make of this one. I’m going on strict history here; Why Did I Get Married? and Meet the Browns both hit this number opening weekend.
Estimate: $20.0 million
I feel like the buzz from No Country for Old Men and Brad Pitt plastered all over the trailer will help boost it to second place. Sadly, once people see it, they won’t be all that impressed. It’s a decent enough film – but nothing to get excited about.
Estimate: $15.9 million
This, on the other hand, is better than the trailers would indicate. It’s still not good, but it doesn’t shame the memory of De Niro and Pacino like Fockers and 88 Minutes did. So that’s something.
Estimate: $15.4 million
An odd little remake – about 40 years too late. The original was in the late 30s. Anyhow, it seems very out of place and niche in these times. I suppose I’m not the demographic though, so maybe it will catch fire with the ladies.
Estimate: $10.4 million
Hell of a drop-off from #4 to #5, eh? This one sits at$116m worldwide. That’s not enough to cover expenses. Better hope that DVD rolls.
Estimate: $4.5 million
My guess is that people will stop hurting themselves this weekend. It’s time for us to heal as an audience.
Estimate: $3.7 million
The downside of this raking in cash is it again teaches Hollywood to go cheap on comedy.
Estimate: $3.5 million
Just heard they are re-releasing this one later this year for Oscar / financial considerations. Smart. Though it would have been better to just give us Potter.
Estimate: $3.2 million
One day, five years from now, I’ll mention this film to a friend. And he’ll say “I don’t remember that one.”
Estimate: $2.6 million
It’s between this and Babylon for tenth. Quite the race going on there!
Estimate: $2.1 million
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