Wow, I don’t know about this one. Mila Kunis is apparently going to star as an assassin alongside Mark Wahlberg who plays the title character in Max Payne for director John Moore and 20th Century Fox.
The film is an adaptation from the Rockstar videogame in which Wahlberg plays Payne, a cop haunted by the tragic loss of his family who finds himself in the thick of a conspiracy when he investigates a series of murders. Kunis will play an assassin who teams up with the title character to avenge her sister’s death.
Look at the girl to the left. Does she look like an assassin?
Who knows, it could work, however I am not a huge fan of John Moore as a director (The Omen remake was awful) and a cutie like Kunis as an assassin just doesn’t fit.
Watcha think? Can Kunis carry off a role as an assassin?