BLU-RAY LIVE BLOG: ‘No Country for Old Men’ the Quotes Edition!

1:57:26 AM: I can’t even begin to tell you how much I hate Comcast right now. This was the third night in a row they have done this.

2:02:57 AM:

Kid at the Border: Were you in a car accident?

2:05:55 AM: Man, the moment when the Norteno Band notices Llewelyn’s injuries and stops singing and playing music it is absolute comedy.

2:07:11 AM: Anyone notice Chigurh uses a rectangular box of cotton balls and then when it comes time to use the safety seal it is from a round jar?

2:07:45 AM: Great scene however, regardless of that, and who knows there may have been a round jar inside the box.

2:12:24 AM:

Llewelyn: What’s this guy supposed to be, the ultimate badass?

Carson Wells: Don’t think that’s how I’d describe him.

Llewelyn: How would you describe him?

Carson Wells: I guess I’d say he doesn’t have a sense of humor.

2:16:22 AM:

Carson Wells: No, no, you don’t understand. You can’t make a deal with him. Even if you gave him the money, he’d still kill you for inconveniencing him. He’s a peculiar man. Might even say he has principles, principles that transcend money or drugs or anything like that. Not like you.

2:22:56 AM:

Carson Wells: Do you have any idea how crazy you are?

Chigurh: You mean the nature of this conversation?

Carson Wells: I mean the nature of you.

2:24:41 AM: You have to love Chigurh’s patience and his slow and methodical way of even answering the phone after it has already rung about six or seven times. I only say this because it shows how in control he is of his environment. Most of us would rush to answer that phone, he, gently scoots his chair over to answer it. Brilliant.

2:26:54 AM:

Wendell: None of the three had ID on ’em, but they’re telling me that all three is Mexican… was Mexicans…

Ed Tom Bell: There’s the question, whether they stopped being and when.

2:28:42 AM: Please tell me how Tommy Lee Jones was nominated for In the Valley of Elah and not this flick? What his character brings to this film is of the utmost importance and he absolutely nails it. It makes no sense to me.

2:29:41 AM:

Border Official: Are you jacking with me?

2:30:48 AM:

Llewelyn: Have a lot of people come in here without any clothes on?

Store Clerk: No sir, it’s unusual.

2:34:09 AM:

Carla Jean’s Mom: Three years ago I said them very words, “no” and “good”.

2:35:26 AM:

Carla Jean’s Mom: It’s not often you see a Mexican in a suit.

2:37:22 AM:

Carla Jean: Sheriff, was that a true story about Charlie Walser?

Ed Bel: Who’s Charlie Walser? Uh! Oh… Um. True story? I couldn’t swear to every detail, but it’s certainly true it is a story.

2:38:05 AM: Another Oscar question: How did Kelly MacDonald not get nominated?

2:39:48 AM:

Woman at Pool: Beer leads to more beer.

2:45:15 AM:

El Paso Sheriff: You know, if you’d told me 20 years ago I’d see children walking the streets of our Texas towns with green hair, bones in their noses, I just flat-out wouldn’t have believed you.

2:48:56 AM:

Ed Tom Bell: How’d you know it was my truck?

Ellis: I deduced it… when you walked in.

2:50:23 AM:

Ed Tom Bell: How fresh is that coffee?

Ellis: I generally make a fresh pot every week, even if there’s some left over.

2:54:20 AM:

Ellis: This country is hard on people. You can’t stop what’s coming. It ain’t all waitin’ on you. That’s vanity.
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