Some new information in regards to the upcoming Star Trek reboot hit the web today in the form of some possible casting news and some plotline rumors.
First off for the casting as TrekMovie.com has learned that 29-year-old actress Zoë Saldana has been offered the part of Uhura – the USS Enterprise’s communications officer originally played by Nichelle Nichols. Saldana played Anamaria in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and is starring in James Cameron’s Avatar, which TrekMovie points out may be an actual problem. Apparently scheduling surrounding Avatar‘s production in October, prior to Trek‘s planned start date in November is throwing a minor wrench in the works. We will just have to wait and see.
As for those possible plot points, this one bothers me a little, even though it doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea I am just not a huge fan of time travel stories. For the most part there are so many holes in all time travel stories it isn’t even worth digging into and it just feels so played at this point, especially since Ain’t It Cool News writer Moriarty refers to this as “Trek to the Future”.
Word is that the story could quite possibly be about Spock, Nimoy-aged Spock. Moriarty gives us this little example:
Picture an incident that throws a group of Romulans back in time. Picture that group of Romulans figuring out where they are in the timeline, then deciding to take advantage of the accident to kill someone’s father, to erase them from the timeline before they exist, thereby changing all of the TREK universe as a result. Who would you erase? Whose erasure would leave the biggest hole in the TREK universe is the question you should be asking.
Who else, of course, but James T. Kirk?
If Spock were in a position to change that incident back, and then in a position to guard that timeline and make sure things happen the way they’re supposed to, it creates…
… well, what does it create? Because evidently the plan is to use this second timeline as a way of rebooting without erasing or ignoring canon.
It all makes sense and it really sounds like something that could work. My only problem is that it doesn’t sound fresh. It doesn’t sound new. It simply sounds like one more voyage of the starship Enterprise, not-so-boldy going somewhere we have seen it pretty much go before.
I have a lot of faith in J.J. Abrams and am hoping for the best with this feature no matter what story they choose. I already know the first time I hear the music come on for the first teaser trailer it is going to get me excited even more.
For the rest of the AICN article click here.