Hey Kurt Russell! Get Over Yourself!!!

This is just stupid. I am sure many of you already read that Gerard Butler (Leonidas in 300) is set to star as Snake Plissken in a remake of John Carpenter’s 1981 Escape from New York, a role originated by Kurt Russell. Since I don’t read a lot (read any) forums I didn’t hear the supposed grumbling, but apparently the Internet community is not happy with this turn of events. People seem upset that a Scoottish (misspelled purposely) will be taking on a role people seem to think is only playable by an American, one of those people is Plissken original Kurt Russell. Let’s take a peek at what he told Entertainment Weekly as he sat on his high horse.

I will say that when I was told who was going to play Snake Plissken, my initial reaction was ”Oh, man!” [Russell winces]. I do think that character was quintessentially one thing. And that is, American.

I will admit, the main reason for my misspelling of Scottish above is because Butler is very Scottish, so much so that he can’t hide it, which we all saw in 300, but apparently American dollars don’t seem to mind. Personally I don’t mind either, are we seriously this territorial that it matters all the way down to a person’s nationality? It isn’t like they are going to take every copy of Russell’s Escape from New York and burn it, forbidding anyone to ever watch it again. Sheesh!

Let’s see what else Kurt had to say:

People come up to me and say, ”You played Snake Plissken.” I didn’t play Snake Plissken, I created him! … F— that! I am Snake Plissken! It’s like Sean Connery always watching someone else do their version of Bond.

Okay, okay… let’s simmer down a bit here Kurt. You played Snake Plissken. Yes, you did. I looked over at IMDb just to be sure and there it was, written by John Carpenter and Nick Castle. I didn’t see your name. Just like you played Eldon Perry in Dark Blue and Captain Ron in that gold mine of a movie Captain Ron. As for Connery watching someone else play Bond you have a point there, but then again, isn’t he retired? Aren’t Bond films independent of one another for the most part as well? Isn’t Connery Scottish and Bond British? Also, didn’t Connery want to stop playing Bond and not get typecast?

Perhaps the best part of the article is when he says that they are remaking everything he has done. I honestly laughed when I read his response when asked what else they had remade… take a peek:

They remade a couple of Disney films that I made — Kirk Cameron did The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes. They made Backdraft into two television series, “Rescue Me” and “Third Watch,” both of which I never saw. They did Stargate.

So, the case he is making here is very intense. First we have a Kirk Cameron Disney movie, then he basically says if a TV show has firefighters it is biting off Backdraft and then he lays claim to another TV show in “Stargate”. He must go to bed angry every night if he thinks these are remakes. These are extensions of his movies that he played a character in. As for that Kirk Cameron Disney thing that is just laughable. Who even heard of that? A quick look at IMDb again tells me that it was a made-for-TV-movie… I am laughing even harder now!

Sounds to me like Kurt needs a reality check. You are Snake Plissken? Then how come Gerard Butler is playing Plissken in the first actual feature film remake of anything you ever did? Seems to me you are Kurt Russell, and in 2009 Gerard Butler will be Snake Plissken.

How about you make something worth watching and stop crying about what other people are doing? Lord knows Poseidon was an absolute mess, and guess what… THAT MOVIE WAS A REMAKE!!!!

I like a lot of your work man, movies such as The Thing and Tombstone kick so much ass, but you really need to check your ego at the door. You sound like a whiny little girl there Snake.

Click here for the complete EW interview.

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