During the 12th annual Premiere Women in Hollywood gala some unexpected news comes as USA Today reveals that guest Jane Seymour said that at Sunday’s Emmys, she ran into her Wedding Crashers screenwriter, Steve Faber, who told her he is working on a sequel that would include the actress.
What? What? What? Where the story would go I have honestly no idea but I am intrigued.
As for the rest of the night, the ladies were gathered to celebrate such honorees as Shirley MacLaine, Laura Linney, Lindsay Lohan, Rachel Weisz (mmmm.. Rachel Weisz) and Charlize Theron. It seems as though most of the ladies wanted to say something special about Shirley but Theron took it to a whole new level by literally planting a wet one on her posterior. She later attributed the behavior to some pain killers she’d been prescribed. Note to self; order more painkillers.
The other hilarious part of this article is when Ms. MacLaine speaks glowingly of all the fellow honorees with the exception of Lindsay “Dear God let her go back to red hair” Lohan. Shirley gave her a terse, “Don’t know her.” Nice!
You can also read about “Greasy” (shout out to K. Smith) Reese Witherspoon meeting her real life doppleganger in Kristin Chenoweth. That part isn’t too exciting, but the rest is well worth guzzling down.