Buena Vista to Bring a LION, a WITCH, and a CHICKEN LITTLE to Video Games in Fall 2005

Buena Vista Games announced today they are going to be bringing two of their 2005 feature films not only to life on the big screen but the small as well in the form of video games.

The two movies in involved will be the epic tale of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, the best-selling story by C.S. Lewis and Chicken Little, Walt Disney Pictures’ first fully animated 3D feature film.

The games will be available on all next-gen computer gaming systems as The Chronicles of Narnia game will let gamers and Narnia fans step inside and immerse themselves in the magical world of Narnia and Graham Hopper, senior vice president and general manager of Buena Vista Games says that Chicken Little will bring “the film’s characters to life and give players a chance to explore the 3-D world of Chicken Little.”

Going a little further into detail Chicken Little catapults players smack dab into the middle of Oakey Oaks, Chicken Little’s hometown, where they will experience first-hand all of the action, humor, fun and heart-warming adventure as portrayed in the film. Taking on the roles of Chicken Little and his friends Abby Mallard, Runt-of-the-Litter and Fish-out-of-Water, players must try to outwit bully Foxy Loxy and save the town from an alien invasion all the while attempting to reverse Chicken Little’s tarnished reputation from that unfortunate “acorn incident.” You know, the one where he shouted, “The sky is falling!” causing mass chaos in the town of Oakey Oaks, and earning him the reputation of town fool.

Now, Chicken Little goes from zero to hero in the film. Disney Interactive’s fast-paced, action-adventure game will feature innovative gadgets, pickups, side-quests and mini-games as well as multiplayer gameplay. In addition, each game version will incorporate clips from the movie for players to view and enjoy.

As for more on the Narnia game Hopper said, “We are pleased to announce our plans to develop a full slate of video games based on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe film currently in production in New Zealand.”

“Given the truly unique, creative nature of the story, we see it as especially suited for a spectacular translation to game consoles and something that the millions of Narnia fans and gamers worldwide will love.”

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe is based on the first in the series of phenomenally best-selling novels by C.S. Lewis. The live-action film concerns a war between good and evil, pitting the magnificent lion Aslan against the forces of darkness in the magical world of Narnia. A White Witch has used her dark powers to keep Narnia in winter for 100 years, but it is foretold that four humans will be able to help Aslan break the spell. When the children – Lucy, Susan, Edmund and Peter — discover the magic of Narnia by entering the enchanted world through a wardrobe, the stage is set for a classic battle of epic proportions. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe film, under the direction of Andrew Adamson (Shrek, Shrek 2), is scheduled for release Christmas 2005.

“The opportunity to work closely with the video game production team at the same time we’re creating the film is very exciting. I’m looking forward to watching both projects come to life,” said Andrew Adamson, film director, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. “Through the video game, fans will be able to re-open the wardrobe countless times to revisit the magical world of Narnia and all of its characters and environments.”

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