Director Talks New Mortal Kombat Movie

Moviehole caught up with director mink (Into the Sun) and asked about his plans for the next Mortal Kombat movie:

The status of the film, as of today, is that “…the Producers are working out their deals with the studio and arranging their financing”, says the director.

mink says the project isn’t so much a sequel as it is a “re-envisioning (if that is a word) of the Mortal Kombat franchise from top to bottom. Todays audience is a savvy involved group so the film must be A plus plus in every area in order to capture the magic of the first film. It is taking the entire concept to the next level across the board in every area visual design, story, cast, FX, photography and most importantly the fighting scenes. The original Mortal Kombat game was born a child of many visual loves by the creators at midway so this latest version borrows heavily from that pioneering spirit and must be thought out and executed at the highest level in order for it succeed in today’s market place. This is no overnight task.”

Though the IMDB has Christopher Lambert returning as Rayden, mink says casting hasn’t begun yet.

“First things first, is the way these larger projects need to be done. It is still in the business stages but once that is squared away all casting options will be explored along with the continued development of the best story line.”

The last we heard the film was supposed to be shot in Louisiana.

“At one point Louisiana was on the table for various reasons. It still maybe in the future if that is appropriate place to work for the picture”.

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