Brash Entertainment today announced development of a Space Chimps game based on the animated film of the same name produced by Vanguard Animation and presented by Starz Media. The highly anticipated Space Chimps is produced by John H. Williams (Shrek, Shrek 2) and Barry Sonnenfeld (Men in Black, The Addams Family) and features the voice talent of Andy Samberg, Cheryl Hines, Patrick Warburton, Kristin Chenoweth and Stanley Tucci. The game will release alongside the Twentieth Century Fox film release on July 18, 2008.
The hilarious new CGI-animated adventure-comedy follows the adventures of a mischievous circus chimp named Ham (Samberg) who happens to be the grandson of the first primate ever sent into space. As a publicity stunt, Ham is chosen to lead a mission into space to explore a mysterious new planet. But when he and his crew crash land on the bizarre yet beautiful world and find their lives in peril, Ham must prove that he really does have “the right stuff.”
Fans of the film can expand their experience with the game, which will offer players a unique storyline that chronicles the quest of Ham and Luna (Hines) as they overcome the perils of an alien planet in search of Earths lost Infinity Space Probe.
“The ‘Space Chimps’ movie introduces a loveable cast of characters that fans will be quite fond of,” explained Mitch Davis, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Brash Entertainment. “We’ve collaborated with Vanguard to create a game that incorporates the characters and world of the movie while building a unique storyline with new characters, giving fans the opportunity to be able live in the ‘Space Chimps’ world a little longer.”
“When looking for a partner to translate ‘Space Chimps’ into a game, we knew Brash Entertainment would be a perfect fit for what we were looking for,” said Amorette Jones, EVP Worldwide Marketing for Starz Media. “They’ve taken the world we’ve created and brought it to life in a game that will be fun and light-heartedin keeping with the spirit of the movie.”
“We’re excited about the upcoming release of ‘Space Chimps,’ and equally happy that Brash is the company that produces the first ever game based on a Vanguard project,” said Williams, who is also chief executive of Vanguard Animation. “We know this game will enable fans to extend the ‘Space Chimps’ experience.”
Space Chimps will be available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation ®2 computer entertainment system, the Wii and Nintendo DS videogame systems from Nintendo. The game has not yet been rated and will be available at retailers nationwide this summer.