Tyler Perry talked to the LA Daily News about his upcoming dramedy, Why Did I Get Married. Perry said Janet Jackson will be quite different from how you’ve ever seen her:
“She’s playing a college professor actually, an author and professor of psychology,” Perry reports. He is quick to add that Jackson “absolutely” has the chops to pull off the part convincingly. “I can’t wait for people to see her like this.”
Perry is also high on fledgling thespian Scott, who is “like she’s born to do this. Her acting is so natural, I was shocked. When this woman smiles, she lights up a room.”
Ironically, there’s no singing in the movie despite its powerhouse trio of singers. However, Perry’s happy to note that they’ll be involved in the soundtrack. He expects an October or November debut for the feature.
The movie is based on Perry’s play about the joys and trials of matrimony.