Kirkpatrick Teaching Pirate School

Writer-director Karey Kirkpatrick has signed a two-year, first-look production deal with Nickelodeon Movies and MTV Films under his newly formed Blue Shirt Productions.

Kirkpatrick, whose helming credits include DreamWorks Animation’s Over the Hedge and Paramount Pictures’ upcoming The Spiderwick Chronicles, will focus on providing live-action family fare for Paramount Pictures labels Nickelodeon and MTV. The pact does not cover animation as Kirkpatrick remains exclusive to DWA in that genre.

First up for the Blue Shirt/Nickelodeon partnership is Captain Abdul’s Pirate School, based on a book by Colin McNaughton. The family action-comedy is being penned by Kirkpatrick along with writing partners Chris Poche and Clare Sera, with Kirkpatrick attached to direct.

Kirkpatrick, whose writing credits include Chicken Run, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Charlotte’s Web and “Spiderwick,” also co-wrote and produced the indie Flakes.

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