DreamWorks Animation today announced that talented filmmaker Chris Sanders is set to helm the upcoming project Crood Awakening, a comedy set in the Stone Age. Sanders will be joining the DreamWorks Animation family for the first time as the film’s director, having amassed an impressive list of animation film credits on some of the genre’s most successful and groundbreaking films, including the worldwide hits Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Mulan and Lilo & Stitch. The screenplay was written by British comedy icon John Cleese (Academy Award®-nominated for the screenplay of A Fish Called Wanda) and Kirk De Micco (Racing Stripes).
Crood Awakening is described as a comedy set in the Stone Age, but further details of the plot are being kept under wraps. A release date for film has not yet been set.
Regarding the announcement, Chris Sanders states, “I look forward to working with Jeffrey and the other filmmakers at DreamWorks Animation. They have dedicated themselves to a complex and classic craft, but have also proven that they are driven to take it to new places. It is their willingness to break boundaries that makes them unique. I’ve seen firsthand where they are headed, and I’m excited to be part of it.”
DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg commented, “Chris is one of the most inventive and imaginative filmmakers I’ve ever worked with. His unique storytelling style and sensibility are perfectly suited for ‘Crood Awakening.’ It is such a pleasure to collaborate with him once again on another exciting project. We are so happy to have him on board at DreamWorks.”
Sanders joins the studio with a long list of family film and television credits, most recently as a writer/director of the immensely successful film Lilo & Stitch. He served as a story writer on the multiple Oscar® winners Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King, and as a writer on the award-winning Mulan.