First Captain America 4 Trailer Reactions Call It ‘A Massive Win’
Image Credit: Disney Plus/Marvel Studios

First Captain America 4 Trailer Reactions Call It ‘a Massive Win’

The first Captain America 4 trailer has not made its way online yet, but an exclusive audience got to watch Sam Wilson in action alongside Joaquin Torres and shared their reactions to it. While fans will have to wait for Captain America: Brave New World until February 2025, they can be confident about the project as the response to its first trailer is highly positive.

Captain America 4: Brave New World trailer shown at CinemaCon 2024

Kevin Feige presented the first look at Captain America: Brave New World at a special event held at CinemaCon 2024. Present in the audience were film industry professionals and theater operators, who got an exclusive viewing experience of the trailer. They were allowed to share their reactions to the footage as well.

Captain America 4 trailer reactions are very positive

People present in the audience at CinemaCon 2024’s special event were all excited to see what Marvel Studios has been cooking for 2025. As a result, a majority of the Captain America 4 trailer reactions shared online are commendatory.

Fandango’s Erik Davis revealed how Kevin Feige compared the upcoming installment to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. He posted:

The Illuminerdi’s Chalice was instantly “sold” to Sam Wilson’s next outing as Captain America. She wrote on X (formerly Twitter):

“I never thought I’d say this as a Chris Evans super fan… But we just saw footage of CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD with Anthony Mackie and Harrison Ford and it was FUCKING AWESOME! I’M SOLD HOLY CRAP!”

Brandon Davis from called the trailer “a massive win” for MCU fans. He even revealed a few plot details for The Brave New World. Check out his post below:

The Hot Mic Podcast’s co-host Jeff Sneider revealed how sleeper super soldiers get activated through music, which was also depicted in the trailer previously shown in April. Here’s the post:

Further, Variety’s Matt Donnelly wrote:

“Anthony Mackie’s standalone Captain America film looks fantastic. If Jason Bourne flirted with mechanical wings and a shield.”

Captain America 4 hits theaters on February 14, 2025. It also stars Danny Ramirez as the new Falcon/Joaquin Torres, Carl Lumbly as Isaiah Bradley, Harrison Ford as President Thaddeus Ross, and Liv Tyler as Betty Ross. Others in undisclosed roles include Xosha Roquemore and Rosa Salazar, among others.

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