Tim Miller Says Deadpool Movie is Closer to Green Light

Ryan Reynolds himself said just last week that he thinks the Deadpool film will get made “Eventually,” which might not sound very conclusive but it certainly carries more weight then the lack of answers for the past four years. Now, in an interview with Clevver Movies, director Tim Miller says the film is “closer to getting a greenlight” than it was just two months ago, which sounds promising.

“We will never give up!” Miller said. “Deadpool is still alive and we’re just waiting for the studio to embrace what an amazingly f***ing awesome film this would be. Ryan is ready, I am ready, the fans are more than ready, we just need that elusive green light.”

Miller also confirmed that a new draft of the script has been sent in by Zombieland‘s Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.

You can check out the full video below. What do you want to see in a Deadpool film? Sound off below!

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