CS Video: Guy Pearce and Cobie Smulders on Results

Calling Andrew Bujalski’s Results a “romantic comedy” might be doing it a disservice since it’s far more than the usual meet-cute comedy where everything goes exactly as you might expect, although it’s both funny and quite romantic.

The fifth movie from the indie filmmaker behind Funny Ha Ha and Computer Chess brings together Guy Pearce and Cobie Smulders as Trevor, the owner of an Austin, Texas gym, and Kat, his top personal trainer who is hinted to maybe have had something more than just a professional relationship in the past. When Kevin Corrigan’s wealthy schlub Danny comes in to the gym looking to get into shape, Kat is assigned to him but he starts coming on to her, which puts her off and causes Trevor to assess his own feelings for Kat. Things get complicated from there, or at least far more complicated than they normally would get in this kind of film, as both Kat and Trevor need to figure out their feelings while Danny’s presence gets even more disruptive.

ComingSoon.net sat down with Smulders and Peacer earlier this week to talk about tackling the rom-com genre (for which Smulders is abundantly familiar after years on “How I Met Your Mother”) with Bujalski, and we also briefly asked about some of their upcoming projects–Smulders starring in Kris Swanberg’s Unexpected, another great film from Sundance–as well as talking about their experiences working for Marvel Studios.

Results opens in New York, Austin and Toronto on Friday, May 29, as well as On Demand, and will be available in other cities after that. You can see the full theater listing for the movie on Magnolia’s website. Look for our interview with writer/director Andrew Bujalski soon.

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