October Horror Movie Recommendation: Paranormal Activity 3

Every day for the month of October, ComingSoon.net is making a new horror movie recommendation for those eager to find a new frightening flick for Halloween. From the creepy goodness of a classy ghost story to a blood-spattered gorefest and everything in between, we’ll have something for every taste of horror. And today’s pick is…..

Paranormal Activity 3

What’s Paranormal Activity 3 about: The third in a series of six loosely-connected films (technically seven, if you count the odd Japanese spin-off film (Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night), Paranormal Activity 3 sees Katie and Kristi—main characters from the first two films—as children growing up in 1988. The film establishes how the girls came to know Toby, the franchise’s main protagonist, a malevolent ghost the two refer to as an imaginary friend. Like with every other Paranormal Activity film, the… uh, paranormal activity slowly continues to grow more and more chaotic, but it just hits differently here.

Why Paranormal Activity 3 rules: Paranormal Activity 3 epitomizes everything that makes this franchise great. Ingenious camera tricks (like one particularly memorable sequence involving an oscillating fan), cheap jump scares, excellent utilization (and subversion) of found footage tropes—it’s a gold mine for anyone willing to admit that this franchise is a total blast.

How scary is Paranormal Activity 3: The thing about the Paranormal Activity movies is that they’re less about horror and more about anxiety—the goal is to have you on the edge of your seat as you watch the characters sleep, just waiting for something bad to happen. If you allow yourself to be immersed, your heart rate is sure to escalate along with the events of the film.

Be on the lookout for: There are quite a few moments (especially at the beginning and end) in this film that are key to understanding what comes before and after this third installment—anyone who cares about the Paranormal Activity lore is bound to lap it up.   

Where to watch Paranormal Activity 3: The film is available for rent or for purchase from Amazon Prime Video. A boxed set of the first three films on Blu-ray is also available.

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