City detective Michael (Will Wallace) relocates to a quaint, small town with his wife Rachel (Emily Brooks), following her emotional breakdown after the sudden death of their young daughter. Michael takes a job in the sheriffs office, thinking not much will happen in such a quiet town. However, on his first day of duty, Michael is asked to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a teenage girl.
Michael teams up with Sheriff Hendricks (Don Swayze) to unlock the mystery. As their investigation deepens, they discover the missing girls boyfriend is locked up in a mental institution. They meet with his doctor, Dr. Shaw (Dean Cain), who explains they may be dealing with a dark supernatural entity, much to Michaels disbelief. Meanwhile, Michael isnt the only one encountering an evil force – Rachel is being terrorized with constant nightmares and visions of a bloodied girl. Even though the dreams torment her, they end up leading her to the location of the missing teenage girl.
But the case is far from being over, as the evil entity now possesses Rachel and Sheriff Hendricks has a dark secret of his own. Michael will have to summon up all his courage and faith to fight the evil forces in The Appearing.
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