Comic-Con 2012: Highlights from The Walking Dead Comic Book Panel

The guys kept it as spoiler free as possible for The Walking Dead Issue 100. So, you can read on, even if you haven’t finished the 100th issue. 

Robert was hilarious.  I want to point out a few of his more memorable remarks. Keep in mind these were all said in jest. 

“Usually, I am extremely anti-deaf people,” he said in response to a fan suggesting a deaf character appear in the comics.   “I hate tall people. It’s like, you have everything. What more do you want?” he added in response to a fan suggesting the addition of more tall zombies.

“We haven’t had many powerful moments in the comic. Mainly because of Charlie’s art,” he said when explaining why the television series is more gripping, at times, than the comic.

Here are a few random facts to clue you in on what happened at the panel.  

  • Kirkman says that he expects to reach a conclusion in the near future on his pending lawsuit. 
  • The guys feel that their comic isn’t necessarily the best in the industry.
  • Rob wants to continue to keep the comic as true to life as possible (in spite of the concept) rather than sacrificing believability for the sake of the story. 
  • Davidson is gone for good. 
  • Kirkman doesn’t want to become over-commercialized with lunchboxes and board games, etc.
  • Kirkman has a vague idea for an ending in mind, but he wants to keep the comics going as long as people want to read it and the quality is high. 
  • Kirkman never intends for readers to find out the cause of the infection. 
  • Adlard said that the TV show has already demonstrated that it can go further than any other television show. 
  • Kirkman said that it is uncanny how well the actors embody the characters on the small screen version. 
  • Of all the characters that have come and gone, Adlard misses drawing Dale the most. 
  • Adlard said that the show is joined to the comic and separate at the same time, which is how he thinks an adaptation should be. 

We will be live blogging from The Walking Dead television series panel today, so look out for that!

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