ABC revealed another television spot for its upcoming supernatural series 666 Park Avenue. Terry O’Quinn, Vanessa Williams, Dave Annable, Rachael Taylor, Mercedes Masohn, Robert Buckley, Helena Mattsson and Erik Palladino will star/appear in the show based on the novel by Gabriella Pierce. You’ll find a full synopsis after the jump.
If you could make one wish, what would it be? And what would you do to get it? At 666 Park Avenue, all of your dreams and burning desires can come true: wealth, sex, love, power, even revenge. But just be careful what you wish for, because the price you pay… could be your soul. Welcome to The Drake, the premiere apartment building on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.
Owned by the mysterious Gavin Doran (O’Quinn) and his sexy wife Olivia (Williams), The Drake is home to dozens of residents who are unaware they’re living in the dark embrace of supernatural forces. They think their dreams are all coming true, only to find they’ve been lured into making, what feels like, a deal with the Devil. When a young Mid-western couple – Jane Van Veen (Taylor) and Henry Martin (Annable) – is hired to manage The Drake, they soon discover that evil, obsession, and manipulation has a home.