The animated film – based on Burton’s short of the same name – features the vocal work of Winona Ryder, Martin Short, Catherine O’Hara, Martin Landau, Charlie Tahan, Atticus Shaffer, Robert Capron and Conchata Ferrell and concerns a young man who loses his dog to an accident, however, he brings the mutt back to life via some Frankenstein-like experiments. Craziness ensues.
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First up: Toshiaki, voiced by James Hiroyuki Liao. Toshiaki is over-achieving and mega-competitive. He delights in beating Victor at his own game and like a power-hungry, mad scientist, Toshiaki will stop at nothing to win the top prize in the schools science fair – even if it means stealing Victors ideas to do it.
And now, meet Bob, voiced by Robert Capron. Bob is a mommas boy who is the brawn to Toshiakis brains. He is agreeable and never mean-spirited, but on the flip side hes easily led and gullible. Bob follows Toshiaki everywhere, but is the first one to run to Victor for help when he gets in over his head.