The Fringe: Gary Oldman is RoboCop’s Creator in Remake

Gary Oldman.  As if the guy can’t get any more bad-ass with the roles he has chosen, the man is now going to be starring in the RoboCop remake as “Norton,” the scientist responsible for RoboCop’s creation.

The Hollywood Reporter says Norton “finds himself torn between the ideals of the machine trying to rediscover its humanity and the callous needs of a corporation.”  With Oldman’s character, we’re already seeing a bit of a departure from the original ’80s film.  The scientists responsible for the creation of RoboCop were mostly background characters, faceless – somewhat comedic – entities.

Joel Kinnaman (The Killing) is playing Alex Murphy in the Jose Padilha-directed redo for MGM.  The film is expected to open on August 9, 2013.

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