The Fringe – Kinnaman: RoboCop Will Have a See-Through Visor, Be More Human

Attached to the project earlier this month, Snabba Cash star Joel Kinnaman spoke today with MTV and dropped a few details about his upcoming role as Officer Alex Murphy in Jose Padilha’s reboot of RoboCop.

“There’s a lot of neuroscience now raising the question, ‘Is all the intelligence in the human body in the brain?'” Kinnaman explains, “and they’re finding out that, no, it’s not like that. The body has intelligence itself, and we’re much more of an organic creature in that way. It’s not a control tower that does everything.”

In addition to a more scientific approach, Kinnaman says that the humanity of Murphy will be played up in ways that include a redesign of the RoboCop costume.

“They’re still working on the suit and how it’s going to look, but the visor is going to be see-through,” he continues. “You’re going to see his eyes… It’s not going to be jaw action.”

“I have my take on it,” Padilha himself told late last year, “And I can tell you this: In the first ‘RoboCop’ when Alex Murphy is shot, gunned down, then you see some hospitals and stuff and then you cut to him as RoboCop. My movie is between those two cuts. How do you make RoboCop? How do you slowly bring a guy to be a robot? How do you actually take humanity out of someone and how do you program a brain, so to speak, and how does that affect an individual?”

Kinnaman also teased that the story, from screenwriter Josh Zetumer and Nick Schenk, will play as a political satire. 

RoboCop is set for release on August 9, 2013.

(Photo Credit: FayesVision /

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