Eva Green Talks Dark Shadows Role

She’s joined in the film by Johnny Depp (as Barnabas), Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter, Jackie Earle Haley, Jonny Lee Miller, Bella Heathcote, Chloe Moretz and Gulliver McGrath.  After the jump, see what she had to say about the film and her turn as Bouchard.

In an interview with The Playlist, the actress said:

“I think it’s very, very funny, with a dark sense of humor, but really funny. And I play Angelique Bouchard, and she’s a cuckoo character. An extreme character, who is madly obsessed with Baranabas Collins, and it’s a very electric relationship. And she wants to own every bit of Barnabas.  It’s not a typical villain, and that’s what I like about how Tim dealt with her. She has a good reason to act like that. It’s a really a love story.”

Dark Shadows is opening May 11 from Warner Bros.

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