The Shining to Screen in NY, With Deleted Footage

Pencil in October 22 for an incredible horror event

Here’s a rarity that might blow your mind.

Be in Rochester, New York October 22. That’s when The Dryden Theatre is going to show an uncut version of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. Yep, with footage you’ve probably never seen.

Of the excised material, Bleeding Cool says…

Firstly, there’s a little moment where some state troopers look for Jack, frozen in the ice, but don’t seem to be seeing him – for whatever reason.

Then a longer scene. It’s set in a hospital, where Ullman, the Overlook’s manager, tries to convince Wendy and Danny that nothing supernatural had happened in his hotel. He explains that Jack’s body was not recovered, and he gives Danny a tennis ball – presumably the same one that he followed into room 237.

I wonder how it all plays…

Now, again, this is in the rare print Dryden is showing. You see, days after The Shining‘s release, Kubrick re-tooled his cut into what we’ve all been seeing now. But prints of that original cut had been floating around.

Heading to this spot for stills of the cut footage.

Source: Bleeding Cool

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