The Shining’s Elevator of Blood Recreated in CG

Classic sequence, modern technology

Sort of a companion piece to yesterday’s item (meaning, not really “news,” but something interesting to share), a video has come our way (courtesy of “Jared,” once again) that demonstrates a CG-created interpretation of the elevator of blood sequence.

“Xurgonic” explains: “I started thinking about rendering this after wanting to break in a new workstation. The Shining was in mind after recently viewing a YT video titled ‘THE SHINING – SOMETHING IN THE RIVER OF BLOOD’ where the author presents a lengthy assertion that there are some obscure shapes viewable within the blood near the elevator that Kubrick intended as a sublminal representation of a corpse or something suggesting ‘Tony’ inside Danny’s mouth. The seemingly mysterious shapes present a Rorschach image for commentors’ to offer up a myriad of odd things they believe ‘it’ to be. It was apparent to me that the shapes are merely reflections of the set and I emailed a simple CG still to the author demonstrating that fact but he defends the presence of mysterious objects.

I thought it would be interesting to see what ReaFlow might do, and was surprised to find that no one else had attempted a Shining-blood-elevator sim that I could find.”

You just know if they ever remade “The Shining” (again), this is how they’d do it.

Here is the CG version. I’ve included the original below for comparison. And just past that is the CG artist’s tech explanation for the scene.

Source: Ryan Turek, Managing Editor

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