Comic-Con 2011: Garth Ennis Comments on Preacher Film

Speaking from the Stitched press conference

During the press interviews for Stitched, a 15-minute short film written and directed by famous comic book writer Garth Ennis, Shock asked Ennis about the status of Preacher, the long-mooted adaptation of his Vertigo.

“Last I heard it was at Sony and they have DJ Caruso up to direct it. That’s all I know at this point,” Ennis said. Caruso signed to the film in February.

The plans to make Preacher into a series, possibly on HBO, were killed off a few years ago and has been at Sony since then, Ennis said.

What would Ennis like to see from a Preacher adaptation? “[A series] would give the story room to breathe. But in the end, it was an awful a lot of money in something they didn’t have confidence in. And that was that.”

You can watch a trailer for Ennis’ short film here.

Source: Peter Brown

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