Abducted and prepared for a dark ritual

Moviehouse Entertainment is drumming up interest in The Power at the Cannes film market.
Produced by Mark Forstater – who may or may not be the same Forstater behind Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Xtro (the IMDB listing says he hasn’t done anything since ’95) – the film will be directed by Paul Hills.
Here’s a plot synopsis: Abducted and imprisoned by a Cult, Magda awakens in a filthy cell. Despite hearing distant voices, her screams for help go unanswered. She’s a prisoner, seemingly without hope… In time, she befriends another hostage, a girl who provides some comfort. However, as the weeks pass, the Cult prepare Magda for participation in a dark ritual with demonic, religious and sexual overtones and her despair grows. Her only hope is she’ll be rescued or find some way to escape but, in the meantime, must face an horrific and terrifying ordeal.
Anyone else see shades of Martyrs in here? We’ll keep you posted if this one gets rolling.
Source: Shock Till You Drop