Feathers Are Ruffled Over Inbred Flick

From the director of Cradle of Fear

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before…

A group of teens set out on a trip. They come across a patch of land, or a town, filled with lunatics and are systematically killed.

Sounds like a ton of stuff we’ve seen before, right? Well, that’s the gist of Inbred, a UK production that’s causing a stir in the town of Thirsk because the locals disapprove of the subject matter and how their little haven will be represented. If I were them, I’d call the filmmakers out on their lack of originality. Nevertheless, the townspeople are not pleased.

Inbred focuses on a handful of troubled kids who set out on a community service mission with their supervisors. They wander into a suspect town filled with inbreds who don’t want any outsiders around.

Alex Chandon is directing the film, a described “black comedy”; he previously helmed Cradle of Fear, the Cradle of Filth flick. You can check out an official site at InbredMovie.com.

Source: Darlington & Stockton Times

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