Moseley Talks Night of the Living Dead: Origins

Like 300 and Beowulf

Writer-director Zebediah de Soto is deep into production on Night of the Living Dead: Origins, starring Danielle Harris, Bill Moseley, Tony Todd and Joe Pilato. We’ve seen very little from this unique undead romp so we have to cling to whatever the film’s participants have to say.

Here we have Moseley (playing “Johnny” – a role he slipped into for Night of the Living Dead ’90) – talking again about De Soto’s vision and the fact that the story is set in New York City: “It is animation but it is also like live action animation. I never actually worked with anyone; it was just me and the director, Zebediah DeSoto,” he tells Movie Mike. “We stood in a recording booth and ran the dialogue. They then take photographs of you and try and sculpt you Then they take your 3D translated character and put it into whatever situation there might be in the film. It was pretty disembodying. I am just excited about the script. ‘Night of the Living Dead’ is a rural zombie movie and putting it in New York City is really a wild undertaking. I think it is going to be very cool and I cannot wait to see that on the big screen. I love ‘Beowulf’ and ‘300’ and imagining that kind of treatment with ‘Night of the Living Dead,’ it is going to knock everyone’s socks off.”

Read our exclusive interview with De Soto here!

Source: Movie Mikes

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