Fox Picks Up Rodriguez’s Machete

Full length based on Grindhouse trailer

Not really horror, but spawned from the horror double feature experiment known as Grindhouse, Fox has won the bidding war for domestic distribution rights to Robert Rodriguez’s Machete, the trailer of which played prior to Planet Terror.

Danny Trejo plays the blade-wielding Mexican ex-Federale who is double-crossed by a crooked politician. The feature-length version was financed by Overnight Prods., who sold off international rights to Sony and several territory distributors. That provided the bulk of the money needed to shoot the film, which Rodriguez lensed last fall in Austin, Texas.

Written by Rodriguez with Ethan Maniquis, Machete boasts an all star cast with Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, Lindsay Lohan, Steven Seagal, Don Johnson, Jeff Fahey, Cheech Marin and Rose McGowan.

Rodriguez and Fox are currently working on Predators together.

Source: Variety

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