Heaven, Hell Battle on Earth in Sympathy for the Devil

Jackson, Duhamel caught in the middle

Boaz Yakin (Remember the Titans) has a promising new film called Sympathy for the Devil in the works. And while it concerns the battle between heaven and hell, the New Orleans setting and the plot make it sound like it’s more on the creepy level of Angel Heart than the explosive nature of this week’s release Legion.

Latino Review reports the film have Samuel L. Jackson and Josh Duhamel locked in for roles and some final financing is being put in place before cameras rev up.

Here’s a snippet of the synopsis:

Caught in the no-man’s land between Saturday night sin and Sunday morning redemption, Louisiana lawman Harlan Stark (Josh Duhamel) finds that his intervention into a spectacular crime –the bold attempt to assassinate a charismatic preacher –soon escalates into a cosmic confrontation between Heaven and Hell, where angels are warriorsas dangerous as demons. Harlan and his loyal partner Jesse (Samuel L. Jackson)stand at the fulcrum between vengeful good and devious evil, with neither side showing anything like mercy…

For the full plot crunch, click here.

Source: Latino Review

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