Trailer for The Revenant Surfaces

A look at the horror/comedy from FX artist Kerry Prior

A trailer for writer/director Kerry Prior’s The Revenant has surfaced on You Tube.

The horror movie/buddy comedy is about Joey (Chris Wylde) and his undead friend Bart (David Anders) who comes back from the dead as a revenant: an articulate zombie that needs to drink blood to arrest the decomposition of his body.

Prior has a long history as an FX artist having worked with Don Coscarelli on a few of the Phantasm sequels, as well as Bubba Ho-Tep and also Nightmare On Elm Street‘s 4 and 5 with Dream Quest Images.

David Anders who plays the title character most recently appeared in SyFy’s remake of Children Of The Corn and NBC’s Heroes.

The Revenant will be playing as part of Screamfest LA on Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 7:00 PM. See the full schedule at our previous news post here. Tickets are now available at this link.

Click here to read our review!

Source: You Tube

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