Update: Magnolia Lets the Wrong Subtitles In

Beloved vampire film lost in translation

Kudos to the fellas over at Icons of Fright for being astute. They’ve just posted a comparison between subtitles on Magnolia’s recent DVD and Blu-Ray release of Let the Right One In and the subtitles on an international copy of the film. The differences are…well, pretty surprising. Check ’em out here complete with screen grabs.

Update: The Digital Bits received an official statement from their Magnolia reps who say they’ll be manufacturing new discs to correct the problem. “There are no exchanges. We are going to make an alternate version available however. For those that wish to purchase a version with the theatrical subtitles, it will be called out in the tech specs box at the back/bottom of the package where it will list SUBTITLES: ENGLISH (Theatrical), SPANISH.”

Source: Icons of Fright

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