EXCL: Craven Lining Up Horror Quartet

Which remakes, sequels are on the slab?

In the coming year, Midnight Entertainment – Wes Craven’s production company – is going to be busy. This month will see the release of The Last House on the Left, the second remake from the early days of his career that he produced. The success of this film will determine the fate of four other projects brewing at Midnight.

“We’re going to be exploring new avenues,” Craven told me over the weekend. The Hills Have Eyes 3, we have a concept for which is really fun. A possible sequel to The Last House on the Left, then The People Under the Stairs and Shocker. That’s it for the films we somewhat own. The first two I own with one other guy. People and Shocker Universal owns. But if I say, ‘No, don’t make it’ they can’t make it.”

Out of this quartet, the third chapter in the Hills franchise – kicked off by Alex Aja in 2006 – is the closest to coming to fruition. Craven says he’s currently talking to another European filmmaker who he believes has the chops to carry the ongoing saga about a mutant, inbred family and the poor souls that cross their path. Hills 3 would mark this unknown director’s American debut. But will Fox Atomic be co-producing?

“Fox Atomic has a first look deal and they have passed on it,” Craven reveals. “The reason is because of the deal. They have the right of first refusal but if someone else wants to do it, Fox has the right to come in and match that deal. For them, it’s smarter to have us go find someone that will say yes, then come in see if they can top it.”

As for Shocker, Craven confesses the original was not created on the technical level he reached for. Special effects hiccups prevented him from fulfilling his vision. A redo, “could be extraordinary if you have the special effects and really open it up. The possibilities are endless.”

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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