Burning Finally Coming Home?

And new Hellraiser: SE news

This a slice of speculation; nevertheless, speculation worth reporting because we – and the many other outlets reporting this right now – are probably right in our assumptions.

Dead Pit Radio had DVD producer Michael Felsher on their program and, in addition to getting the first word on a 20th Anniversary Edition of Hellraiser (with new interviews from Ashley Laurence, Andrew Robinson and Chris Young), they got the heads-up that Felsher could be at work on The Burning DVD.

“I just got hired on a job which I can’t talk about…but I’m interviewing Tom Savini for, its one of the films he did effects for a long time ago. Of all the slasher films he did in the early 80’s its the only one still not on DVD,” says the producer. And yep, sounds like The Burning to us, too.

Felsher is currently at work on a Monster Squad Special Edition for Lionsgate.

Source: Ryan Roten, Deadpit Radio

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