Una is a 2017 drama thriller directed by Benedict Andrews. The film follows a young girl who takes the decision to confront a man from her past. This threatens the man’s new life making him rageful and scared.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Una via streaming services such as Starz.
Is Una available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Una is available to watch via streaming on Starz.
Una, a girl in her mid-20s finds out that her neighbor, who was a good friend of her dad’s, works in a warehouse under a new name. Ray Brooks, who lives under the new name Peter, groomed and sexually abused Una when she was just a 13-year-old girl. After promising to elope with her, Ray breaks her heart, leaving her to feel completely confused and lonely. Fifteen years after that, when Una confronts Ray in his office, his new life and marriage feel threatened. Soon they find themselves in a weird situation, in the presence of Ray’s new family and co-worker.
The film stars Rooney Mara as Una Spencer while Ben Mendelsohn plays Ray Brooks. In supporting roles, we also see Riz Ahmed as Scott, Natasha Little as Yvonne, and Ruby Stokes as a young Una Spencer.
Watch Una streaming via Starz
Una is available to watch on Starz.
It is a streaming service by Lionsgate that offers a selected range of on-demand content, including hit shows like Power and Outlander.
You can watch via Starz by following these steps:
- Go to Starz.com’s sign-up page.
- Select either the six-month plan or the monthly plan
- The standard rate for the six-month plan is $46, excluding any special offers
- The standard for the monthly plan is $9.99 per month, excluding any special offers
Starz is also available as a Prime Video Channel, meaning that subscribers to the Amazon Prime Video service can also receive discounted access to Starz. The discounts offered vary throughout the year. You can sign up here.
Una’s synopsis is as follows:
“When a young woman unexpectedly arrives at an older man’s workplace, looking for answers, the secrets of the past threaten to unravel his new life.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.