Based on the namesake manga series by Kagiri Araido, Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again is a slice-of-life romantic comedy anime TV show. The plot revolves around the elderly couple Shouzou and Ine. When they wake up one day, they discover that they have become young again. However, instead of letting this change their lives, they decide to continue living as they always have. The series premiered in Japan on April 7, 2024. If you are wondering whether there will be a Season 2 of Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again, then this is what we have learned.
Here’s all the Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again Season 2 release date?
Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of April 2024, there has been no official confirmation regarding the renewal of Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again Season 2. This is not unusual as the anime recently premiered, and the animation will likely assess how it performs with the audience in Japan and beyond before making a decision. However, Araido’s manga is currently ongoing, so there is a possibility for Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again Season 2 sometime down the line.
The voice cast of Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again comprises Shin-ichiro Miki as Shouzou, Mamiko Noto as Ine, Nao Tōyama as Shiori, and Shiori Mikami as Mino.
Where is Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again Season 2 coming out?
Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again Season 2 could come out on AT-X, Tokyo MX, and other networks in Japan and Crunchyroll in the United States.
This is because season 1 of Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again came out on the same platforms.
ComingSoon will provide an update if and when the production companies will announce the sophomore season of the anime.
The official synopsis for Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again reads:
“Shouzou and Ine Saitou have been happily married for as long as they can remember. Even in their old age with wrinkles and cracking limbs, the strength of this love is evident in their precious bond. And then, one day, they wake up to find they are young again! Despite their newfound youthful and attractive bodies, Shouzou and Ine remain the same as ever.”