Created by David Shin, House of the Owl is a Japanese drama series. The plot revolves around Ryutaro ‘The Owl’ Ogami, a legendary political fixer struggling to solve issues closer to his home. The series premiered on April 24, 2024. If you are curious about the prospects of Season 2 of House of the Owl, this is what we have learned.
Here’s all the House of the Owl Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a House of the Owl Season 2 release date?
House of the Owl Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it might be announced in the future.
As of April 2024, Disney has not greenlit the second season of House of the Owl. East Asian live-action TV shows generally wrap their stories within one season. However, this has started to change with the skyrocketing popularity of the content coming out of that region. Series creator David Shin spoke about this in an interview with Variety in April 2024.
Shin conceptualized House of the Owl as a five-season series similar to House of Cards. It took him about a decade to bring it to the screen as most broadcasters in Japan apparently did not want to develop multi-seasonal projects. Now that the show has found a home at Disney, he intends to tell the story across five seasons.
“People are going to have to see the show,” Shin told the news outlet. “And the question will be, ‘Is it compelling?’ But structurally, it’s got all the elements necessary to go five seasons. And that’s one of the major reasons Disney greenlighted it.”
So, if the first season becomes successful with Disney’s audience, House of the Owl will likely receive more seasons.
The cast of House of the Owl includes Min Tanaka as Ryutaro ‘The Owl’ Ogami, Mackenyu as Ryu Ogami, Hisako Manda as Kyoko Ogami, and Masanobu Ando as Ichiro Ogami.
Where is House of the Owl Season 2 coming out?
House of the Owl Season 2 could come out on Disney Plus and Hulu.
This is because Season 1 of House of the Owl premiered on the same networks.
ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Disney announces a sophomore season of the Japanese series.
The official synopsis for House of the Owl reads:
“At the height of his career and powers, Japan’s master fixer, who has guided politicians and business heads through some of Japan’s biggest scandals, discovers that fixing his family is harder than fixing a country.”