Now There's 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Netflix
Credits: Netflix

Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Netflix

Want to know where to watch Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. online? We have all the streaming details right here. Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. is a Peruvian rom-com movie released on January 25, 2024. It is produced by Julián Zucchi and directed by Pedro Flores Maldonado. It is the last and third film in the Sí, mi amor trilogy. The movie is about a couple who are going to have a baby soon.

Here’s how you can watch and stream Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. via streaming services such as Netflix

Is Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. available to watch via streaming?

Yes, Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. is available to watch via streaming on Netflix.

A couple, Guille and Bea, are expecting a baby, but things change when Bea’s mother returns unexpectedly. Secrets come out, and past hurts come back, putting a strain on the couple. The film shows how the couple finds peace amidst this new challenge.

The film stars Yiddá Eslava as Guille, Julián Zucchi as Bea, Nancy Cavagnari as Bea’s mom, and Saskia Bernaola as Marisol.

Watch Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. streaming via Netflix

Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. is available to watch on Netflix. Netflix is a streaming service that provides subscribers with access to a large collection of TV shows, movies, stand-up comedy, and more.

You can watch via Netflix by following these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Choose a payment plan from the following:
    • $6.99 per month (standard with Ads)
    • $15.49 per month (Standard)
    • $22.99 per month (Premium)
  3. Enter your email address and password to create an account
  4. Enter your chosen payment method

The cheapest Netflix Standard with Ads Plan provides all but a few of its movies and TV shows. However, it will show ads before or during most of its content. You can watch in Full HD and on two supported devices at a time.

Its Standard Plan provides the same but is completely ad-free while also allowing users to download content on two supported devices with an additional option to add one extra member who doesn’t live in the same household.

The Premium Plan provides the same as above, though for four supported devices at a time, with content displaying in Ultra HD. Users get to download content on up to six supported devices at a time and have the option to add up to two extra members who don’t live in the same household. Netflix spatial audio is also supported.

The synopsis for Now There’s 3 of Us? Sí, Mi Amor. is as follows:

“After a terrible dream, Guille, like any first-time dad, becomes obsessed with taking care of Bea, his pregnant wife. Suddenly, his mother-in-law arrives after many years of absence with intentions of staying.”

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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