Blinded (2019) Season 1 is a Swedish thriller drama series that originally premiered on August 19, 2019. Also called Fartblinda, series is based on Carolina Neurath’s book Speed Blind and follows the story of Bea Farkas, who struggle to draw line between personal and professional life when she starts a secret affair with bank director Peder Rooth. Jens Jonsson and Johan Lundin are the directors of the series.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Blinded (2019) Season 1 via streaming services such as AMC Plus.
Is Blinded (2019) Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Blinded (2019) Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on AMC Plus.
Bea, a young financial journalist, finds herself in a secret affair with Peder Rooth, a bank director. Despite knowing it is unprofessional, she is unable to cut down ties due to her feelings. However, when tasked with monitoring the bank’s quarterly report for her latest assignment, Bea begins to suspect that Peder is hiding something.
The cast members of Blinded (2019) include Julia Ragnarsson as Bea Farkas, Matias Varela as Peder Rooth, Julia Dufvenius as Sophie Rooth, Albin Grenholm as Markus Thulin, and Vincent Wettergren as Hampus Rooth, among others.
Watch Blinded (2019) Season 1 streaming via AMC Plus
Blinded (2019) Season 1 is available to watch on AMC Plus. Launched on June 11, 2020, AMC Plus is an American subscription streaming service providing access to a wide array of top television shows and movies spanning various genres.
You can watch via AMC Plus by following these steps:
- Go to
- Create a username and password
- Choose your plan:
- $8.99 per month
- $83.88 per year
Users can also subscribe to AMC Plus as a channel via Amazon Prime Video if they are current subscribers to Amazon’s service.
The Blinded (2019) synopsis is as follows:
“An ambitious financial reporter Bea receives an anonymous tip about irregularities at a Swedish major bank. Bea weathered a scoop, but the review is made more difficult by her love affair with the bank’s married CEO, Peder. Based on Carolina Neurath’s book “Speed Blind” which in turn is inspired by real events.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.