Magnolia Network’s (formerly known as DIY Network) Building Off the Grid is a reality series that follows adventurers as build homes in isolated and hostile locations. The series premiered on January 26, 2024, with season 13 coming out on April 11, 2024. If you want to know whether there will be a release date for Season 14 of Building Off the Grid, this is what we have learned.
Here’s all the Building Off the Grid Season 14 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Building Off the Grid Season 14 release date?
Building Off the Grid Season 14 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of April 2024, Magnolia Network has not renewed Building Off the Grid for Season 14. The 13th season recently premiered, so this is not out of the ordinary. The network likely wants to observe how the season performs with the audience before deciding on the future of Building Off the Grid. Over the years, the series has developed a strong audience base, and that has in turn contributed to the longevity of the series.
Building Off the Grid appeals to one of our fundamental desires. Surrounded by the concrete jungle, many of us crave an idyllic life in the middle of nowhere. Building Off the Groid encourages us to embrace this part of ourselves. If Season 13 turns out to be as successful as the previous seasons, the series will likely receive another season.
Where is Building Off the Grid Season 14 coming out?
Building Off the Grid Season 14 could come out on Magnolia Network.
This is because the previous 13 seasons of Building Off the Grid debuted on the same platform. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Magnolia Network officially greenlights the 14th season.
The official synopsis for Building Off the Grid reads:
“Adventurers and their teams battle Mother Nature to build unique homes in remote areas. From unpredictable weather to encroaching wildlife, will they build in time to beat their deadlines?”