Gravity Season 1 is a dark comedy series that plunges into a support group for individuals who have attempted to end their lives. A diverse group of former “ex-ites,” guided by a sardonic therapist with their own personal struggles, navigate the absurdities and emotional complexities of embracing a second chance at life. Will they discover solace, laughter, or perhaps even love in the most unexpected of circumstances?
Here’s how you can watch and stream Gravity Season 1 via streaming services such as Starz.
Is Gravity Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Gravity Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on Starz.
In Gravity season 1, a unique support group forms among survivors of suicide attempts, blending dark humor with emotional depth. Led by a quirky therapist, the diverse cast, including characters like Robert, Lily, and Christian, navigates the complexities of their shared experiences. As they confront their pasts and forge unexpected bonds, the series delves into themes of resilience and redemption.
The ensemble cast of Gravity season 1 features Krysten Ritter as the sharp-witted Lily, Ivan Sergei as the seemingly perfect yet troubled Robert, and Ving Rhames as the enigmatic group leader.
Watch Gravity Season 1 streaming via Starz
Gravity Season 1 is available to watch on Starz. It offers a wide range of movies and original series for streaming.
You can watch via Starz by following these steps:
- Go to’s sign-up page.
- Select either the six-month plan or the monthly plan
- The standard rate for the six-month plan is $46, excluding any special offers
- The standard for the monthly plan is $9.99 per month, excluding any special offers
Starz is also available as a Prime Video Channel, meaning that subscribers to the Amazon Prime Video service can also receive discounted access to Starz. The discounts offered vary throughout the year. You can sign up here.
Gravity Season 1 synopsis is as follows:
“Gravity is an offbeat series about a support group for people who have attempted suicide. Unlikely relationships are forged when the colorful cast faces the challenges and opportunities that come along with a second shot at life.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.