Neighborhood Wars is reality TV series that explores the complex relationships between neighbors across the US. The series premiered on A&E on October 6, 2021, with season 6 coming out on April 9, 2024. In case you are interested in knowing whether there will be a season 7, we got you covered.
Here’s all the Neighborhood Wars Season 7 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Neighborhood Wars Season 7 release date?
Neighborhood Wars Season 7 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of April 2024, A&E hasn’t renewed Neighborhood Wars for the 7th season. As season 6 recently came out, the network will likely assess how the audience is responding to it before making any decision on the show’s future.
If everything goes well, and season 6 becomes successful, season 7 will probably happen. Since 2022, two seasons of Neighborhood Wars have premiered every year, with seasons 3 and 5 releasing in November 2022 and November 2023, respectively. Given this precedence, we can speculate that Neighborhood Wars Season 7 can debut in November 2024.
Where is Neighborhood Wars Season 7 coming out?
Neighborhood Wars Season 7 could come out on A&E.
This is because previous seasons of Neighborhood Wars premiered on the same network. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when A&E officially announces the seventh season.
The official synopsis for the series reads:
“With a record number of Americans trading city life for homes in the suburbs, relationships between neighbors are being put to the test. Neighborhood Wars takes viewers into the homes and backyards of neighbors across the country with some of the most unexpected and emotionally charged events caught on camera. Featuring footage from cell phones, drones, home security cameras and more, the series showcases the kindness and conflict between real-life neighbors throughout the US.”