Anonymous Noise Season 1 is a 2017 Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Ryoko Fukuyama. Produced by studio Brain’s Base, the series follows singing sensation Nino Arisugawa searching for her lost childhood love, Momo, using her voice as a beacon. But when she runs into Kanade “Yuzu” Yuzuriha, a blast from the past and a potential new flame, things get messy.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Anonymous Noise Season 1 via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is Anonymous Noise Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Anonymous Noise Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Nino Arisugawa, a girl with a resonating voice who loves to sing was separated from her first love, Momo, and a music-composing boy, Yuzu, in her childhood. They promise to find each other through Nino’s singing. In high school, Nino reunites with Yuzu, who invites her to join his band, “in NO hurry to shout.” He stirs up old feelings in Nino, creating a love triangle. Meanwhile, Momo, now a famous composer, tries to avoid Nino due to past guilt. This anime delves into first love, complicated love triangles, and following one’s passion.
The voice cast features Saori Hayami as Nino Arisugawa, Daiki Yamashita as Kanade Yuzuriha, and Koki Uchiyama as Momo Sakaki. Additionally, Ayahi Takagaki, Daisuke Namikawa, Daisuke Ono, Jun Fukuyama, Satomi Arai, also feature.
Watch Anonymous Noise Season 1 streaming via Amazon Prime Video
Anonymous Noise Season 1 is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.
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You can watch the series via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:
- Go to Amazon Prime Video
- Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’
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Anonymous Noise Season 1’s official synopsis is as follows:
“Every day, a young girl wearing a mask stands by the beach and sings a nostalgic melody. After experiencing two sudden heart-wrenching partings when she was only a child, Nino Arisugawa has been singing her songs to the ocean, bound by a promise made with her two childhood friends—her first love, Momo Sakaki, and a boy who composed music, Kanade “Yuzu” Yuzuhira. Having never met each other, the boys both individually promised that if Nino was ever separated from them, her voice would be the beacon to reunite them once again. After six long years, destiny has finally placed Nino, Momo, and Yuzu in the same high school. However, the passage of time has changed many things in their lives—while Nino relentlessly attempts to fulfill her childhood promise with the boys, Yuzu’s feelings for her from the past resurface, and Momo goes to great lengths to prevent a reunion with Nino. Through music, will they be able to mend their friendship and overcome all the feelings involved in this complicated love triangle?”
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