On Sacred Ground (2023) Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Starz
Image Credits: Big Picture Ranch

On Sacred Ground (2023) Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Starz

On Sacred Ground (2023) is a drama film directed by Joshua and Rebecca Harrell Tickell. It is about a reporter and a big oil company executive who are on different teams when it comes to building the Dakota Access Pipeline through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

Here’s how you can watch and stream On Sacred Ground (2023) via streaming services such as Starz.

Is On Sacred Ground (2023) available to watch via streaming?

Yes, On Sacred Ground (2023) is available to watch via streaming on Starz.

On Sacred Ground is a film about the Dakota Access Pipeline construction. It focuses on the struggles of Native American protesters and their disregard for their rights. The film follows Daniel McKinney, a war veteran and journalist who writes biased stories for oil companies. Despite its short runtime, it highlights the ongoing battle for indigenous rights and the consequences of corporate greed.

The cast includes William Mapother as Daniel McKinney, Amy Smart as Julie, David Arquette as Elliot, Kerry Knuppe as Mika, Mariel Hemingway as Marion, David Midthunder as Terry, Irene Bedard as Mary Singing Crow, and Frances Fisher as Ricky.

Watch On Sacred Ground (2023) streaming via Starz

On Sacred Ground (2023) is available to watch on Starz.

Starz is a streaming service and TV network that lets viewers watch TV series and movies. Customers may download the Starz streaming app or subscribe to the channel through their cable or satellite provider. As long as they have an internet connection, subscribers may access Starz’s content catalog and watch whenever and wherever they choose.

You can watch the film via Starz by following these steps:

  1. Go to Starz.com’s sign-up page.
  2. Select either the six-month plan or the monthly plan
    • The standard rate for the six-month plan is $46, excluding any special offers
    • The standard for the monthly plan is $9.99 per month, excluding any special offers

On Sacred Ground’s (2023) official synopsis is as follows:

Based on the true events during the 2016 construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline that runs through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota on land that is owned by the Lakota “Sioux” Tribe. The film follows Daniel, a journalist and Afghanistan War military veteran, and Elliot, an oil company executive, who find themselves on opposite sides of the fight during the construction of the contentious pipeline.

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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