Sasaki and Peeps Season 1 is a captivating anime series that follows Sasaki, a weary office worker who discovers an extraordinary bird, Peeps, with magical abilities from another realm. Their partnership leads to an enchanting journey filled with sorcery and swords as they navigate a world beyond the ordinary corporate life in Japan.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Sasaki and Peeps via streaming services such as Crunchyroll.
Is Sasaki and Peeps Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Sasaki and Peeps Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on Crunchyroll.
Sasaki and Peeps is a charming anime series that revolves around Sasaki, a disillusioned office worker in Japan, who stumbles upon a unique bird named Peeps with magical powers from another dimension. Together, they embark on a fantastical adventure, exploring a realm of swords, sorcery, and extraordinary challenges, as Sasaki’s mundane life takes an unexpected and enchanting turn.
The main cast of Sasaki and Peeps Season 1 includes Tomokazu Sugita as Sasaki, Aoi Yuki as P-chan, Rie Takahashi as Hoshizaki-san, Akari Kito as Otonari-san, Miyu Tomita as Elsa, Inori Minase as Magical Pink, and Ryotaro Okiayu as Akutsu, with each character appearing in all 12 episodes of the series.
Watch Sasaki and Peeps streaming via Crunchyroll
Sasaki and Peeps is available to watch on Crunchyroll. It is a popular streaming platform specializing in anime, offering a vast library of anime series, movies, and manga for anime enthusiasts worldwide.
You can watch via Crunchyroll by following these steps:
- Go to
- Choose your payment plan:
- $7.99 per month (Fan)
- $9.99 per month (Mega Fan)
- $14.99 per month (Ultimate Fan)
- Enter your personal information and select ‘Create Account’
The Crunchyroll Fan plan lets users stream the service’s entire library ad-free, watch new episodes shortly after they air in Japan, and read digital manga.
The Mega Fan plan offers the same service but also lets users stream on up to four devices at a time, allows offline viewing, and provides a $15 discount off $100+ purchases in the Crunchyroll Store every three months.
The Ultimate Fan plan offers all of the above on up to six devices at once, $25 off Crunchyroll Store purchases over $100 every three months, free shipping on all purchases, and an exclusive “swag bag” after 12 months of subscribing.
Sasaki and Peeps synopsis is as follows:
“Sasaki is a middle-aged office worker living in Japan. Feeling drained by the vapid corporate world, he heads to the pet shop in search of a new companion. There he finds an adorable bird named Peeps and takes him home. But Sasaki quickly learns that Peeps isn’t your average bird…he’s a powerful mage from another world! Together, they embark on a magical adventure filled with swords and sorcery.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.