Created by Rachel New, Miss Scarlet and the Duke is a period crime drama series. The plot revolves around Eliza Scarlet, a talented private detective who navigates 19th-century London and solves crimes with the help of her childhood friend William Wellington, a detective inspector of Scotland Yard. The series premiered on March 31, 2020, and garnered mostly positive responses for the inaugural season. Season 4 debuted on January 7, 2024. If you are wondering whether there will be a fifth season of Miss Scarlet and the Duke, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Miss Scarlet and the Duke Season 5 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Miss Scarlet and the Duke Season 5 release date?
Miss Scarlet and the Duke Season 5 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of early January 2024, Miss Scarlet and the Duke hasn’t been greenlit for the fifth season, but given that Season 4 premiered just a few days ago, this is expected. The network will likely assess how the fourth season performs with the audience before making any decision. However, Miss Scarlet and the Duke is a critically acclaimed and popular show, and it’s likely a matter of time before it’s renewed for the fifth season.
The cast includes Kate Phillips as Eliza Scarlet, Stuart Martin as William “Duke” Wellington, Ansu Kabia as Moses Valentine, Cathy Belton as Ivy Woods, Ian Pirie as Monro, Evan McCabe as Oliver Fitzroy, Tim Chipping as Phelps, Felix Scott as Patrick Nash, Brian Bovell as Solomon, Sophie Robertson as Arabella Acaster, and more.
Where is Miss Scarlet and the Duke Season 5 coming out?
Miss Scarlet and the Duke Season 5 could come out on Alibi in Ireland and the UK and on PBS in the US.
This is because the previous seasons were released on the same platforms. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Miss Scarlet and the Duke Season 5 is officially announced.
The official synopsis for Miss Scarlet and the Duke reads:
“When Eliza Scarlet’s father dies, he leaves her penniless, but she resolves to continue his detective agency. To operate in a male-dominated world, though, she needs a partner… step forward a detective known as the Duke. Eliza and The Duke strike up a mismatched, fiery relationship as they team up to solve crime in the murkiest depths of 1880’s London.”