Based on the namesake manga series written and illustrated by Hiroyuki, Girlfriend, Girlfriend, or KanoKano, is a romantic comedy anime TV show. The plot revolves around Naoya Mukai, an ordinary high-school student, who is in a relationship with his childhood friend Saki Saki. Things become complicated when a girl from their school, Nagisa Minase, tells Naoya that she likes her. This prompts Naoya to date both girls and convince them to move in with him, setting off hilarious situations at home as well as school. Season 1 premiered on July 3, 2021, and Season 2 on October 7, 2023. If you are wondering whether there will be a third season, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Girlfriend, Girlfriend Season 3 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Girlfriend, Girlfriend Season 3 release date?
Girlfriend, Girlfriend Season 3 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of late December 2023, Girlfriend, Girlfriend hasn’t been greenlit for the third season. This is expected as the second season recently finished airing, and Studio SynergySP, which produced the sophomore season after taking over from Tezuka Productions, is likely to assess how the audience responds before making any decision. If it appears to be favorable, there is a possibility for the third season as plenty of source material is available for future exploration.
At the end of the second season, Girlfriend, Girlfriend has covered up to Chapter 91 or the beginning of Volume 11. Hiroyuki’s manga is a completed series with 16 volumes. So, there is a narrative scope for at least one more season.
The voice cast includes Junya Enoki as Naoya Mukai, Ayane Sakura as Saki Saki, Azumi Waki as Nagisa Minase, Ayana Taketatsu as Rika Hoshizaki, Rie Takahashi as Shino Kiryū, Aoi Koga as Risa Hoshizaki, and more.
Where is Girlfriend, Girlfriend Season 3 coming out?
Girlfriend, Girlfriend Season 3 could come out on JNN (MBS, TBS, BS-TBS), AT-X, and other networks in Japan and Crunchyroll in the US.
This is because the previous seasons became available on the above-mentioned platforms. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Girlfriend, Girlfriend Season 3 is officially announced.
The official synopsis for Girlfriend, Girlfriend reads:
“Naoya Mukai has loved Saki Saki since grade school, and when she finally accepts his feelings, he’s at his happiest. But one day, a cute girl named Nagisa Minase confesses to him! Not wishing to choose only one over another, Naoya chooses to go out with both of them!! What will be of this love triangle that challenges morality itself?”